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10 Shifts You Can Expect on Earth What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward.

10 Shifts You Can Expect on Earth

March 25, 20245 min read

10 Shifts You Can Expect on Earth

What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward.

You, Me and Happiness10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by João Ferreira on Unsplash

Those of you sensitive to collective energy, certainly have noticed the rapid energy shifts and intenseness building within our individuated and collective units of Consciousness.

Though we cannot truly predict the future, we can align with certain energies as they are being experienced by us individually and as a collective.

You might have noticed patterns or consensus in what spiritual and other leaders post across different social media platforms.

From studying these, let us explore further:

1 — Commitment to spiritual growth
2 — End to understanding suffering
3 —
Golden Age
4 — Collaboration
5 — Turning inward
6–New Earth Energies
7 — Living by our own principles
8 — Oneness and abundance
9 — Focus to stay in balance
10 — Looking forward

1 — Commitment to spiritual growth

Those who will prioritize their spiritual development will notice profound shifts. We will experience turmoil inside as this growth is happening, yet reap the benefits as we shift into higher vibrations.

We will be faced with dealing with lower energies such as:

— manipulation
— being super goal-driven
— competitiveness
— anger
— force
— hostility
— greed
— materialism
— ego
— over-productivity
— worry and anxiety
— quick fixes
— shame, drama, and guilt
— fear

Those who choose to face the above-mentioned within themselves will shift to a co-creative timeline, with values of sharing and caring.

10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

2 — End to understanding suffering

Much time over the past two years was devoted to understanding suffering within our lives.

Most of us had gone through trying times and experiences of losing loved ones, be it through their passing or through break-ups in romantic relationships.

Some had severe financial setbacks or a deterioration of their health.

In 2023 this suffering will be replaced by joy, inspired new learning, and togetherness in building a brighter future.

3 — Golden Age

We are entering the Golden Age where we will realize our true power and create lives that are marked by this freedom and strength.

Fruits of the labor of spiritual communities’ thought leaders, and other institutions that have worked hard to uplift humanity over the past years, will come to show in no uncertain terms.

This will inspire others to also be brave in their endeavors.

4 — Collaboration

We are evermore understanding the importance of overcoming crises and difficult times as a group.

We are feeling a renewal and a surge of hopefulness as we move forward in 2023.

As awareness increases, we make choices and take decisive action toward our dreams, fulfilling our soul purpose.

10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

5 — Turning inward

Many will turn their lives upside down in a good way with 360-degree changes.

This will be the result of unexpressed creativity during former years.

Up to April of this year, we shall take from our past only what we need to move forward with vigor. This is a time to let go of what no longer serves us and bring fresh new things, people and ideas to life.

There may also be a re-birth of current relationships, businesses and health.

2023 Will be a year of introspection as we continue to integrate the conscious and sub-conscious, mental and spiritual.

More information will come to light as awareness keeps increasing.

6–New Earth Energies

Thirteen new energies are brought online for those wanting to evolve on the path of spiritual evolution.

These can be integrated with our DNA code.

7 — Living by our own principles

During challenging times upcoming, we will have the opportunity to anchor in our own self-truth and live by our own principles.

This will come forth in a deep connection and understanding of our spiritual and physical selves as one unit.

It will become increasingly evident who is on the path of ascension and who chooses to continue with the victim and entitled mentality in the matrix.

Ones who choose this path will fall into deeper depths of feeling stuck.

There can be no more tolerance for lower vibrations, conspiracy theories, and the like.

Inventions and innovations of light leaders will continue to come into the spotlight.

8 — Oneness and abundance

As we anchor in the timeline of unity and abundance we have the opportunity to experience a state of flow and true worthiness.

9 — Focus to stay in balance

What to focus on this year:

🌀Daily spiritual practice
🌀Stay connected to nature
🌀Breathing exercises
🌀Spiritual support from lightworkers
🌀Partaking in life-giving ceremonies
🌀Becoming aware of how we exercise our power
🌀Removing from our lives, that which saps our energy
🌀Becoming aware of thought and other addictions
🌀Developing our imagination
🌀Having a good balance between being alone and connecting with others
🌀Not fighting relationships that end as we evolve

10 — Looking forward

Trauma and limiting beliefs were removed to make space for us to shine through our unique skills and talents. Share these gifts with others.

Be confident in your way and Source will assist you.

Focus on being service-oriented and selfless in your ways.

Our egos are in the process of dying and it is time to take ownership of our mission on earth.

Live in unity and no longer in your shadows.

No growth comes without intentional effort and growing pains, so be ready to face anger, frustration, and despair as you make the purposeful effort to renew yourself this year.

It will require from us to be brave!

Now more than ever it is important to take care of our emotional, physical, and mental health.

Psychic abilities will come with the discipline of the aforementioned.

People will continue to become fed up with systems and authorities lying and deceiving them and tolerance will be low.

As we feel that we have nothing to lose, we will become more prone to experimenting with new ideas and ways of living, also in our relationships.

In addition, we will learn how to evolve with as little pain as possible.

10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by Nienke Burgers on Unsplash


Those who have not done the inner work diligently will have a difficult time to come.

Others who have continuously put effort into their spiritual development will be greatly awarded.

In general, more people will come online to experience the shift in Gaia.

Practice patience and persistence and remember that the first step to enlightenment is to LIGHTEN UP.


*Originially published on Medium

blog author image

Helen Müller

Helen Müller is Founder and Author of You, Me and Happiness, Coach to Top Entrepreneurs and DNA upgrade Specialist. She has been featured numerous times for her breakthrough technique, DNA Upgrade whereby she removes mental blocks remotely over a Whatsapp call, helping one to become unstuck as well as to unlock hidden potential. This technique builds on the science Epigenetics made popular by Dr. Bruce Lipton, the father of Epigenetics. She has a specific interest in increasing human intelligence to aid in the positive evolution of Artificial Intelligence. 
From being a wildly intuitive teenager to world traveler, she became estranged from her family at at an early age. Rather than allowing this void to destroy her, she took it upon herself to search for the answer to true fulfilment/happiness. She suffered from a severe 3 yr bout of anxiety and also failed at her first business “Equilibrium Minds”. Helen used her challenges to develop a coaching program using 5 natural bio hacks to enhance productivity and bring true inner fulfilment to her clients. Upon her discovery of the answer to Happiness, she wrote her first book and was introduced to Top Entrepreneurs Anik Singal and Willie Laney. This awakened a new purpose, to “build a world of Happiness for All”. Her focus lies with Entrepreneurs and Leaders and she aims to increase their impact through her 15 min. DNA upgrades. Helen is involved in her own research, building on Dr Bruce Lipton’s Epigenetic studies. She is also an avid faster and did a Breatharian/Pranic Living initiation by herself. Her current record going without any food or water is just under 5 days [116 hours].

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10 Shifts You Can Expect on Earth What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward.

10 Shifts You Can Expect on Earth

March 25, 20245 min read

10 Shifts You Can Expect on Earth

What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward.

You, Me and Happiness10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by João Ferreira on Unsplash

Those of you sensitive to collective energy, certainly have noticed the rapid energy shifts and intenseness building within our individuated and collective units of Consciousness.

Though we cannot truly predict the future, we can align with certain energies as they are being experienced by us individually and as a collective.

You might have noticed patterns or consensus in what spiritual and other leaders post across different social media platforms.

From studying these, let us explore further:

1 — Commitment to spiritual growth
2 — End to understanding suffering
3 —
Golden Age
4 — Collaboration
5 — Turning inward
6–New Earth Energies
7 — Living by our own principles
8 — Oneness and abundance
9 — Focus to stay in balance
10 — Looking forward

1 — Commitment to spiritual growth

Those who will prioritize their spiritual development will notice profound shifts. We will experience turmoil inside as this growth is happening, yet reap the benefits as we shift into higher vibrations.

We will be faced with dealing with lower energies such as:

— manipulation
— being super goal-driven
— competitiveness
— anger
— force
— hostility
— greed
— materialism
— ego
— over-productivity
— worry and anxiety
— quick fixes
— shame, drama, and guilt
— fear

Those who choose to face the above-mentioned within themselves will shift to a co-creative timeline, with values of sharing and caring.

10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

2 — End to understanding suffering

Much time over the past two years was devoted to understanding suffering within our lives.

Most of us had gone through trying times and experiences of losing loved ones, be it through their passing or through break-ups in romantic relationships.

Some had severe financial setbacks or a deterioration of their health.

In 2023 this suffering will be replaced by joy, inspired new learning, and togetherness in building a brighter future.

3 — Golden Age

We are entering the Golden Age where we will realize our true power and create lives that are marked by this freedom and strength.

Fruits of the labor of spiritual communities’ thought leaders, and other institutions that have worked hard to uplift humanity over the past years, will come to show in no uncertain terms.

This will inspire others to also be brave in their endeavors.

4 — Collaboration

We are evermore understanding the importance of overcoming crises and difficult times as a group.

We are feeling a renewal and a surge of hopefulness as we move forward in 2023.

As awareness increases, we make choices and take decisive action toward our dreams, fulfilling our soul purpose.

10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

5 — Turning inward

Many will turn their lives upside down in a good way with 360-degree changes.

This will be the result of unexpressed creativity during former years.

Up to April of this year, we shall take from our past only what we need to move forward with vigor. This is a time to let go of what no longer serves us and bring fresh new things, people and ideas to life.

There may also be a re-birth of current relationships, businesses and health.

2023 Will be a year of introspection as we continue to integrate the conscious and sub-conscious, mental and spiritual.

More information will come to light as awareness keeps increasing.

6–New Earth Energies

Thirteen new energies are brought online for those wanting to evolve on the path of spiritual evolution.

These can be integrated with our DNA code.

7 — Living by our own principles

During challenging times upcoming, we will have the opportunity to anchor in our own self-truth and live by our own principles.

This will come forth in a deep connection and understanding of our spiritual and physical selves as one unit.

It will become increasingly evident who is on the path of ascension and who chooses to continue with the victim and entitled mentality in the matrix.

Ones who choose this path will fall into deeper depths of feeling stuck.

There can be no more tolerance for lower vibrations, conspiracy theories, and the like.

Inventions and innovations of light leaders will continue to come into the spotlight.

8 — Oneness and abundance

As we anchor in the timeline of unity and abundance we have the opportunity to experience a state of flow and true worthiness.

9 — Focus to stay in balance

What to focus on this year:

🌀Daily spiritual practice
🌀Stay connected to nature
🌀Breathing exercises
🌀Spiritual support from lightworkers
🌀Partaking in life-giving ceremonies
🌀Becoming aware of how we exercise our power
🌀Removing from our lives, that which saps our energy
🌀Becoming aware of thought and other addictions
🌀Developing our imagination
🌀Having a good balance between being alone and connecting with others
🌀Not fighting relationships that end as we evolve

10 — Looking forward

Trauma and limiting beliefs were removed to make space for us to shine through our unique skills and talents. Share these gifts with others.

Be confident in your way and Source will assist you.

Focus on being service-oriented and selfless in your ways.

Our egos are in the process of dying and it is time to take ownership of our mission on earth.

Live in unity and no longer in your shadows.

No growth comes without intentional effort and growing pains, so be ready to face anger, frustration, and despair as you make the purposeful effort to renew yourself this year.

It will require from us to be brave!

Now more than ever it is important to take care of our emotional, physical, and mental health.

Psychic abilities will come with the discipline of the aforementioned.

People will continue to become fed up with systems and authorities lying and deceiving them and tolerance will be low.

As we feel that we have nothing to lose, we will become more prone to experimenting with new ideas and ways of living, also in our relationships.

In addition, we will learn how to evolve with as little pain as possible.

10 Shifts You Can Expect in 2023 What to expect in the spiritual and earthly energies going forward in 2023.

Photo by Nienke Burgers on Unsplash


Those who have not done the inner work diligently will have a difficult time to come.

Others who have continuously put effort into their spiritual development will be greatly awarded.

In general, more people will come online to experience the shift in Gaia.

Practice patience and persistence and remember that the first step to enlightenment is to LIGHTEN UP.


*Originially published on Medium

blog author image

Helen Müller

Helen Müller is Founder and Author of You, Me and Happiness, Coach to Top Entrepreneurs and DNA upgrade Specialist. She has been featured numerous times for her breakthrough technique, DNA Upgrade whereby she removes mental blocks remotely over a Whatsapp call, helping one to become unstuck as well as to unlock hidden potential. This technique builds on the science Epigenetics made popular by Dr. Bruce Lipton, the father of Epigenetics. She has a specific interest in increasing human intelligence to aid in the positive evolution of Artificial Intelligence. 
From being a wildly intuitive teenager to world traveler, she became estranged from her family at at an early age. Rather than allowing this void to destroy her, she took it upon herself to search for the answer to true fulfilment/happiness. She suffered from a severe 3 yr bout of anxiety and also failed at her first business “Equilibrium Minds”. Helen used her challenges to develop a coaching program using 5 natural bio hacks to enhance productivity and bring true inner fulfilment to her clients. Upon her discovery of the answer to Happiness, she wrote her first book and was introduced to Top Entrepreneurs Anik Singal and Willie Laney. This awakened a new purpose, to “build a world of Happiness for All”. Her focus lies with Entrepreneurs and Leaders and she aims to increase their impact through her 15 min. DNA upgrades. Helen is involved in her own research, building on Dr Bruce Lipton’s Epigenetic studies. She is also an avid faster and did a Breatharian/Pranic Living initiation by herself. Her current record going without any food or water is just under 5 days [116 hours].

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