About Me

"I just wanted to be happy " - Helen Müller

About Me

"I just wanted to be happy "
- Helen Müller

At first, it was all about me. Then I changed — you can’t pour from an empty cup…

It all started at age 16 when I asked myself “What do you want Helen?” and the answer was, “I just want to be happy”. Now I know most all people want to be happy, yet I made it my sole mission to find the real answer. How can one be truly happy irrespective of circumstances? It took me around ten years to accomplish my goal and as a result, I wrote You, Me And Happiness — A Methodology for Fulfilment. My friend Robin from Australia suggested this name and I am still surprised that no one had ever thought of www.youmeandhappiness.com.

I had my first little business at age nine, selling biscuits on our family farm in South Africa. I bought it in bulk and made packs of ten, made a killing with that! My second business was called Equilibrium Minds [Neurofeedback training]. I was in business with my romantic partner and six months in, everything fell apart. I still practiced Neurofeedback privately after.

Today I am known as DNA Upgrade Specialist and Coach to Top Entrepreneurs/Leaders. I have a specific interest in increasing human intelligence to aid in the positive evolution of artificial intelligence [AI].

I was thinking about my WHY lately.

Building my business has not been without its challenges. I am qualified in many other things, got a degree in Public Relations Management, yet I set out on this mission to make the world a happier place.


Purely because I had found the answer to a fundamental question and I want to bring the same relief to others. I KNOW what it feels like to live in confusion and unfulfillment. It was the worst and most unsettling feeling for me.

I had to know, not believe, what my existence was all about otherwise I could not see any purpose in living.

On top of this, there’s this burning fire inside me pulling me forward to do it. I wake up thinking about it and I go to bed thinking about it.

I live a very exciting yet challenging life. I became estranged from my family when I was much younger. It was one traumatic thing after the other, yet what saves me every time is my positive attitude, happiness, and the self-development tools I acquired along the way.

Virgo is my star sign and my birthday is 13 September. 13 is my lucky number.

Chimpanzees fascinate me. I was in contact with Jane Goodall and hopefully, in the future, I will be able to invest time there.

Before coming to Portugal, I had the unofficial rule of changing location every two months. It is long enough to make a place your home and short enough not to become complacent. At age 18 I realized that traveling is one of the best tools to evolve fast.

You are almost forced to adapt, learn and grow.

I am not the kind of traveler that has it all planned out. I go by intuition.

As a child I was always out and about, walking in the mountains or cycling through the farmlands. That’s when it started, my communication with Consciousness. The ability to do DNA Upgrades came naturally as a result.

I eventually left home for America at age 18 and never stopped traveling.

When there’s an opportunity to grow, I take it. Kind of like “What the hell, let’s see what happens!”.

Sometimes it works out, many times not as planned and that is why I work with natural bio-hacks so that I can bounce back fast and keep moving forward with renewed energy.

When people tell me “you're crazy” I respond with “thank you for the compliment”!

The biggest compliment I ever got was from my brother who told me:

"Helen, you are the most unique person I know." He jokingly said it wasn’t a compliment but I took it as one!

I absolutely love Christmas music and music from the '50s. I love giving and receiving presents and I enjoy dancing so much, especially Latin dancing.

I like picking flowers and arranging them all around the house. Plants grow like crazy around me.

I want to go and explore other planets too. I am going with Elon Musk.

I am happiest when I live in my magic world and inspire others to be happy and express themselves fully.

Evolving Consciousness and being efficient at it — excites me.

I have many shortcomings, but I got one thing right in my life and that is finding the answer to happiness.

If you took the time to read this, you are amazing so get in touch with me! I love meeting new people and if no one told you yet today, you are doing a great job!

Some places I have been to / lived at:

*In no particular order

Antarctica — experienced a ‘silence’ like no other.

Argentina — best friends, best food, top memories.

Brazil — thank you, Brazil for making me appreciate my big bum!

Canada — did a campervan trip through the Rocky Mountains and was herding the elk! Vancouver has the best aquarium.

USA — Florida [we had a pet raccoon], Seattle [easily can settle there], Bainbridge Island [was an au pair for a lovely family], a road trip from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Kalispell, Montana in 20-year-old Ford Bronco, Fort Benning Georgia [successfully completed the test in a tank simulator and got to ride on barrel racing horse], New York, Chicago and more…

Mexico — lived in Playa del Carmen for three months, overcoming my fear of scuba diving and having the time of my life. Had a synchronistic meeting with my dive instructor whom I had actually met once before in Seattle.

Caribbean Islands — Antigua, Martinique, Saint Maarten

Malawi, Africa — managed a lodge on the lake. Idyllic surroundings.

Saint Helena Island and Ascension Island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. — Most hospitable people, watched sea turtles hatch, walked up a volcanic mountain.

Mediterranean Islands — good food, beautiful people and so much diversity.

Croatia — could still feel some oppression amongst beautiful nature.

Montenegro — unspoiled with friendly people.

Sweden — a forest bunny became my friend, loved the weather, and how organized the people and country are.

The Netherlands — my friend Anneke Schut lived in Amsterdam and I visited five times in two years because I loved it so much. Celebrated Kings and Queens Day! I love cycling and all the museums and the architecture and the people dress so well. Dutch pancakes are the best!

Palma Mallorca, Spain — found this town in the mountains called Valdemossa and sat at this little cafe eating olives and having homemade wine. I like that memory.

Did a “Wild in Scotland” tour. Visited the brewery of my favorite beer, Traquair on my second visit many years after.

England — lived in London, Monkton Combe, and Bournemouth. Slept one night on a bench at the London Underground at age 18 when I had nowhere to go.

Atlantic Crossing - did it on 37ft sailboat surviving a big storm and extinguishing a fire on board. Spent two and a half months on the open ocean, 2600 nautical miles.

Portugal — had to tick off surfing from my bucket list and ended up staying for some years.

Italy, France, and Spain — saw the Pope, made love in Paris and did a Breatharian initiation in Spain.


In The Media

Helen has been featured in several media and is regularly asked as a guest on podcasts and shows.

If you would like to book Helen for a podcast/show please contact support@youmeandhappiness.com.

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